“我为此而生,也为此来到世间,特为给真理作见证。” 约翰福音18:37 {LHU 166.1}
For this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:37. {LHU 166.1}
基督是世界上从未有过的伟大教师。他来到地上散发真理的亮光,使人达到适合天庭的地步。“我为此而生,也为此来到世间,特为给真理作见证。”他来为了要显示天父的德性,引导人用心灵和诚实敬拜他。 {LHU 166.2}
Christ was the greatest teacher the world has ever known. He came to this earth to shed abroad the bright beams of truth, that men might gain a fitness for heaven. “For this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth.” He came to reveal the character of the Father, that men might be led to worship Him in spirit and in truth. {LHU 166.2}
天庭知道,世人需要一位神圣的教师。人类堕落,并且坠入撒但的彀中,激起上帝的怜悯和同情,及至时候到了,他就差遣了他的儿子降生。天庭会议指派的那一位来到地上担任人类的教师。大有仁慈的上帝把他赐给我们世界,为了人类的需要,甚至使他采取了人的样式。使天军震惊的是,永生的道,成为无助的婴孩来到世界。他在充分准备好以后,就离开天庭,而神秘地与堕落的人类联合起来。“道成了肉身,住在我们中间。” 约翰福音1:14 {LHU 166.3}
Man’s need for a divine teacher was known in heaven. The pity and sympathy of God were aroused in behalf of human beings, fallen and bound to Satan’s chariot car; and when the fullness of time was come, He sent forth His Son. The One appointed in the councils of heaven came to this earth as man’s instructor. The rich benevolence of God gave Him to our world, and to meet the necessities of human nature He took humanity upon Himself. To the astonishment of the heavenly host, the eternal Word came to this world as a helpless babe. Fully prepared, He left the royal courts and mysteriously allied Himself with fallen human beings. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). {LHU 166.3}
基督卸下他崇高指挥权的时候,本来可以选择任何类型的生活条件,然而他并不在乎权势或地位,却选择了最卑微的生活方式。他从未享受过奢侈、舒适和满足自己的一切。他生活的主题是从天发源的真理,他要把真理撒遍全世界,他的生活方式,就是要对一切人都和蔼可亲。 {LHU 166.4}
When Christ left His high command, He might have taken upon Him any condition in life that He chose. But greatness and rank were nothing to Him, and He chose the most humble walk of life. No luxury, ease, or self-gratification came into His experience. The truth of heavenly origin was to be His theme; He was to sow the world with truth, and He lived in such a way as to be accessible to all. {LHU 166.4}
基督幼年时代的智慧和身量,并上帝和人喜爱他的心,都一齐增长,并非值得诧异的事情;因为按照他的神圣使命来说,他的才干应当发展,能力应当增强。他并不寻求到拉比的学校去受教育,因为上帝是他的教师。随着年龄的增长,他的智慧也继续增长。他勤奋研读圣经,因为他知道其中充满了非常宝贵的教训。他忠心履行家里应尽的责任,清晨的时间,他不是呆在床上,而是常常在僻静之处,研读圣经和向他的天父祈祷。 {LHU 166.5}
That during His childhood Christ should grow in wisdom and in favor with God and man was not a matter of astonishment; for it was according to the laws of His divine appointment that His talents should develop and His faculties strengthen. He did not seek an education in the schools of the rabbis, for God was His instructor. As He grew older He continued to increase in wisdom. He applied Himself diligently to a study of the Scriptures, for He knew them to be full of invaluable instruction. He was faithful in the discharge of His home duties; and the early morning hours, instead of being spent in bed, often found Him in a retired place, searching the Scriptures and praying to His heavenly Father. {LHU 166.5}
基督熟悉一切关于他工作和中保的预言,尤其是有关他的蒙难、受膏和代求等方面。他在地上生活的目的,时常摆在他面前,他为上帝的仁慈旨意将要在他手中实现而感到欢乐。…… {LHU 166.6}
All the prophecies concerning His work and mediation were familiar to Him, especially those having reference to His humiliation, atonement, and intercession. The object of His life on earth was ever before Him, and He rejoiced to think that the gracious purpose of the Lord should prosper in His hands.... {LHU 166.6}
他的话安慰、加强和赐福给所有切望平安的人,唯有他才能把这种平安赐给人。 给父母和教师的勉言, 259,260 {LHU 166.7}
His words comforted, strengthened, and blessed those who were longing for the peace that He alone could give (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 259, 260). {LHU 166.7}