“我们知道你是由上帝那里来作师傅的。因为你所行的神迹,若没有上帝同在,无人能行。” 约翰福音3:2 {LHU 167.1}

We know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. John 3:2{LHU 167.1}


基督在他对别人的无比同情中,保持着全面的坚定的自制。他安静地、耐心地连续行善,任何人都无法望其项背。法利赛人和撒都该人常常窥伺他,然而他们中间却有许多人,在听了他的话,看见他虽然遭到忿怒无礼之人的攻击时仍然镇静自若,就相信了他。…… {LHU 167.2}

Christ maintained an all-sided, firm self-possession in His remarkable sympathy for others. He did good with a tranquillity and patient continuance never equaled by any human being. The Pharisees and Sadducees were always on His track; and many of them, as they listened to His words, and noted His calmness, even when assailed by passionate, uncourteous men, believed on Him.... {LHU 167.2}

基督日复一日遇到的羞辱和痛苦,并不能使他丧失自制。他被骂不还口……他从不做越轨的事情。他是谁?他是天上的至尊、他是荣耀的王。反对他的人不断掀起风暴打击他,但他并不放在心上。他能够保持平静,因为他就是真理的活的化身。 {LHU 167.3}

All the contempt and bitterness that Christ met day by day could not rob Him of His self-possession. When He was reviled, He reviled not again.... He never overstepped the bounds of decorum. Who was He? The Majesty of heaven, the King of glory. The storm raised by His opponents beat about Him, but He heeded it not. He could afford to be calm; for He was the living embodiment of truth. {LHU 167.3}

今天,凡是向全世界传扬真理信息的人,就当研究基督的一生,熟悉他的教训。不要忘记,你们是天上之王的儿女,是万军之耶和华的儿女。即使遇到被地上权力煽动坚持错误的人,仍要保持对上帝的信赖。当知道他们所拥有的最佳武器,也不足以摧毁真理,虽然他们一定会千方百计地想要歪曲真理和把真理抹黑。有上帝在我们这一边,谁还能够与我们为敌呢? {LHU 167.4}

And those today who bear the message of truth to the world should study the life of Christ, and practice His lessons. Never forget that you are children of the heavenly King, sons and daughters of the Lord of hosts. Maintain a calm repose in God, even when meeting with those who are moved by a power from beneath to uphold falsehood. Be sure that the best weapons they possess are not able to destroy the truth, however they may strive to blacken it by misrepresentation. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” ... {LHU 167.4}

基督是上帝差派来教导人类的教师。在祂里面满有复元大能,祂要吸引万人归向祂,将永远的生命赐给人。在基督里有医治所有肉体和属灵疾病的大能。{LHU 167.5}

He was the teacher sent by God to instruct mankind. As one in whom all restorative power is found, Christ spoke of drawing all men unto Him, and of giving the life everlasting. In Him there is power to heal every physical and every spiritual disease. {LHU 167.5}

基督来到世界上,完成一件影响及于世世代代的工作,其意义超过了人类所以为的伟大。然而你在哪里看到他做这工作呢?在渔夫彼得的小屋里;在雅各井旁告诉撒玛利亚妇人应当喝生命之水的时候。他常常在露天之下教训人,有时候也在犹太人聚集的圣殿里讲道。他最常选择的地方,还是山边和渔船。他深入卑微渔夫的生活之中。他同情贫穷、困苦、绝望的人。吸引他们来跟从他……他向今日凡是和当年在犹太一样、渴望安息和平而倾听他说话的人说道:“凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。” 时兆, 1897年6月24日 {LHU 167.6}

Christ came to our world with a consciousness of more than human greatness, to accomplish a work that was to be infinite in its results. Where do you find Him when doing this work? In the house of Peter the fisherman. Resting by Jacob’s well, telling the Samaritan woman of the living water. He generally taught in the open air, but sometimes in the Temple, for He attended the gatherings of the Jewish people. But oftenest He taught when sitting on a mountainside, or in a fisherman’s boat. He entered into the lives of these humble fishermen. His sympathy was enlisted in behalf of the needy, the suffering, the despised; and many were attracted to Him.... And to those who are longing for rest and peace today just as truly as those who listened to His words in Judea, He is saying, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (The Signs of the Times, June 24, 1897). {LHU 167.6}

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