“耶稣说……跟从我来。” 路加福音9:58, 59 {LHU 169.1}

[Jesus] said ..., follow me. Luke 9:58, 59{LHU 169.1}


我们始祖的堕落,破坏了人绝对服从上帝的宝贵意志。人不再把服从当作不可缺少的了。人们按照自己所思想的恶去作,因此上帝说,人在地上罪恶很大,而且继续败坏。主耶稣宣称,我遵守了我父的诫命。他怎么遵守?他乃是作为人来遵守的。“上帝啊!我来了,为要照你的旨意行。“面对犹太人的控告,他以他纯洁、正直和神圣的品格站出来,向他们应战说:“你们中间谁能指证我有罪呢?”世界的救主来到世上,并非仅仅是为了罪作牺牲, 还要在一切事情上为人表率。他是一位教师,是世界上从未见过的、从未听见的一位教育者。他说的话有权威性,然而他却请求所有的人的信赖。 {LHU 169.2}

The fall of our first parents broke the golden chain of implicit obedience of the human will to the divine. Obedience has no longer been deemed an absolute necessity. The human agents follow their own imaginations which the Lord said of the inhabitants of the old world was evil and that continually. The Lord Jesus declares, I have kept my Father’s commandments. How? As a man! “Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.” To the accusations of the Jews He stood forth in His pure, virtuous, holy character and challenged them, “Which of you convinceth me of sin?” The world’s Redeemer came not only to be a sacrifice for sin, but to be an example to man in all things. He was a teacher, such an educator as the world never saw or heard before. He spoke as one having authority, and yet He invites the confidence of all.... {LHU 169.2}

永生上帝的独生子,曾经用他的话和他的实际行动,给我们留下了可以遵循的明显榜样。藉着他的话,他教育我们服从上帝;藉着他自己的行为,他指点我们怎样才能服从上帝。这也就是他要每一个人都要做的同样工作:理智地服从上帝,用教训和榜样教育别人,应该如何做才能成为上帝的孝顺儿女。 {LHU 169.3}

The only begotten Son of the infinite God has, by His Word, His practical example, left us a plain pattern which we are to copy. By His words He has educated us to obey God, and by His own practice He has showed us how we can obey God. This is the very work He wants every man to do, to obey God intelligently and by precept and example teach others what they must do in order to be obedient children of God. {LHU 169.3}

耶稣曾帮助全世界明了他的神圣使命和工作。他来是为了向我们世界描述上帝的德性,当我们研究耶稣基督的生活言语和工作的时候,处处都帮助我们、教导我们如何顺服上帝。我们仿效他榜样的时候,就像是让一切人阅读和明了的活的书信一样。我们是向世界描述耶稣基督品性的活的代理人。基督不仅给我们明确的规定,指示我们如何成为上帝的孝顺子女,他还用他自己的生活和品性,指示我们怎样做那些正确的、能够蒙上帝悦纳的事。所以我们毫无理由原谅自己为什么不能做那些在上帝眼中看为喜悦的事。 {LHU 169.4}

Jesus has helped the whole world to an intelligent knowledge of His divine mission and work. He came to represent the character of the Father to our world, and as we study the life, the words, and works of Jesus Christ, we are helped in every way in the education of obedience to God; and as we copy the example He has given us, we are living epistles known and read of all men. We are the living human agencies to represent in character Jesus Christ to the world. Not only did Christ give explicit rules showing how we may become obedient children, but He showed us in His own life and character just how to do those things which are right and acceptable with God, so there is no excuse why we should not do those things which are pleasing in His sight. {LHU 169.4}

我们要永远感谢耶稣,用实际和事实向我们证明人能够遵守上帝的诫命,反驳了撒但的谎言:人无法遵守。伟大教师来到我们世上,要作人类的首领,要使人类得到提高和成圣,用他对上帝一切要求的绝对服从,来证明遵守上帝的一切诫命是可能的。他证明毕生顺从是可以做到的。因此,像天父把儿子赐给世界一样,他也将人们赐给世界,用他们的生活来作为耶稣基督生活的例证。…… {LHU 169.5}

We are ever to be thankful that Jesus has proved to us by actual facts that man can keep the commandments of God, giving contradiction to Satan’s falsehood that man cannot keep them. The Great Teacher came to our world to stand at the head of humanity, to thus elevate and sanctify humanity by His holy obedience to all of God’s requirements showing it is possible to obey all the commandments of God. He has demonstrated that a lifelong obedience is possible. Thus He gives men to the world, as the Father gave the Son, to exemplify in their life the life of Jesus Christ.... {LHU 169.5}

耶稣说,“跟从我来“。 怀氏手稿, 1892年1月 {LHU 169.6}

Jesus says, “Follow me” (Manuscript 1, 1892). {LHU 169.6}

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