“耶和华啊!求你将你的道指教我。我要照你的真理行,求你使我专心敬畏你的名!” 诗篇86:11 {LHU 170.1}
Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. Psalm 86:11. {LHU 170.1}
圣经上清楚地列出了圣父与圣子,在天庭策定救赎人类必做事情。无穷奥秘的救赎真理,经过如此清楚的阐述,使得凡想了解真理的有限生命的人,都不可能不明白。神圣的启示,指点他们如何行义,使他们能够荣耀上帝,并且帮助他们的弟兄。 {LHU 170.2}
That which in the counsels of heaven the Father and the Son deemed essential for man’s salvation is clearly presented in the Holy Scriptures. The infinite truths of salvation are stated so plainly that finite beings who desire to know the truth cannot fail to understand. Divine revelations have been made for their instruction in righteousness, that they may glorify God and help their fellowmen. {LHU 170.2}
这些真理,都可在上帝的圣言中找到──这也就是我们用来辨别正确与谬误的标准。遵守圣言是青年人在接受教育时代,暴露在试探之下的时候,抵挡试探的最佳防御。他们从圣言中学会怎样荣耀上帝,怎样忠实于人类,愉快地履行职责,并迎接每天面对的艰难,勇敢地承担起应负的担子。 {LHU 170.3}
These truths are found in the Word of God—the standard by which we are to judge between right and wrong. Obedience to this Word is the best shield for the youth against the temptations to which they are exposed while acquiring an education. From this Word they learn how to honor God, and how to be faithful to humanity, cheerfully performing the duties and meeting the trials that each day brings, and courageously bearing its burdens. {LHU 170.3}
大教师基督想要把人的头脑,从思考地上的事吸引过来,心便他能教导他们天上的事。假使那些与他同时代的教师,曾经愿意主教他,与他一起把真理的种子播向世界,世界就不会像今天这个样子了。假使文士和法利赛人,把他们的力量投入到救主这一边,基督的知识,就会在他们的心灵里恢复上帝的形像。 {LHU 170.4}
Christ, the Great Teacher, sought to win the minds of men from the contemplation of earthly things, that He might teach them of heavenly things. Had the teachers of His day been willing to be instructed by Him, had they united with Him in sowing the world with the seeds of truth, the world would be far different from what it now is. Had the scribes and Pharisees joined their forces with the Saviour, the knowledge of Christ would have restored the moral image of God in their souls. {LHU 170.4}
然而以色列的领袖转离了真正知识的泉源,只是为了维持他们的传统和实施他们人为的仪式。他们对圣经用自己的解释,表达上帝从来不曾有过的观点。他们那种神秘的讲法,把上帝说得很明白的事情弄得模糊不清。他们在技术细节上争论不休,实际上却否定了最重要的真理。上帝圣言的力量被削弱,邪灵却得以肆意而行。 {LHU 170.5}
But the leaders of Israel turned from the fountain of true knowledge. They studied the Scriptures only to sustain their traditions and enforce their man-made observances. By their interpretation they made them express sentiments that God had never given. Their mystical construction made indistinct that which He had made plain. They disputed over technicalities, and practically denied the most essential truths. God’s Word was robbed of its power, and evil spirits worked their will. {LHU 170.5}
基督的话所包含的意义,没有不重要的,《福山宝训》是一篇奇妙的作品,但却极为简单,甚至儿童也能阅读而正确地理解。福山代表基督所处的灵性高度。他所说的每一句话,都来自上帝,都有天上的权威,他说:“我对你们所说的话,就是灵,就是生命。” 约翰福音6:63 他的教训充满了崇高的救人的真理,是人的最高理想和最大发现所无法与之比拟的。他关心那即将临到人类的大毁灭。他来用他自己的义拯救生灵,给世界带来了希望和全然拯救的确切保证。 给父母和教师的勉言, 438,439 {LHU 170.6}
Christ’s words contain nothing that is nonessential. The Sermon on the Mount is a wonderful production, yet so simple that a child can study it without misunderstanding. The mount of beatitudes is a symbol of the spiritual elevation on which Christ ever stood. Every word He uttered came from God, and He spoke with the authority of heaven. “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). His teaching is full of ennobling, saving truth, to which men’s highest ambitions and most profound investigations can bear no comparison. He was alive to the terrible ruin hanging over the race, and He came to save souls by His own righteousness, bringing to the world definite assurance of hope and complete relief (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 438, 439). {LHU 170.6}