“因为他教训他们,正像有权柄的人,不像他们的文士。” 马太福音7:29 {LHU 172.1}

He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Matthew 7:29{LHU 172.1}


耶稣来往奔走,中途常在迦百农停留,于是人都称这个城为“他自己的城”。…… {LHU 172.2}

At Capernaum Jesus dwelt in the intervals of His journeys to and fro, and it came to be known as “his own city.” ... {LHU 172.2}

迦百农……为行旅必经之处。有各处来来往往的旅客,在途经这里时,常在此逗留休息。耶稣在这里遇到贫富、贵贱,各国各样的人,──他的教训,由这许多人传到外邦各国,使之家喻户晓。如此引导他们查考预言,直接注意救主,于是他的使命,就得以传到普天下了。 {LHU 172.3}

It was a great thoroughfare of travel. People from many lands passed through the city, and tarried for rest in their journeyings to and fro. Here Jesus could meet all nations and all ranks, the rich and great as well as the poor and lowly, and His lessons would be carried to other countries and into many households. Investigation of the prophecies would thus be excited, attention would be directed to the Saviour, and His mission would be brought before the world. {LHU 172.3}

犹太公会虽然采取反对耶稣的行动,而民众却切望看见他工作的发展。天庭全体无不深切的关怀,努力为他的工作开路;感动人心,吸引他们归向救主。 {LHU 172.4}

Notwithstanding the action of the Sanhedrin against Jesus, the people eagerly awaited the development of His mission. All heaven was astir with interest. Angels were preparing the way for His ministry, moving upon men’s hearts, and drawing them to the Saviour. {LHU 172.4}

基督在迦百农所医好的大臣之子,是他神权的见证。这位大臣和他的全家,都欣然表示他们对耶稣的信仰。迦百农一听说夫子亲自在他们中间,全城便轰动起来。成群的人蜂拥而来。到了安息日,会堂中拥挤不动,许多人无法进去,只得退回了。 {LHU 172.5}

In Capernaum the nobleman’s son whom Christ had healed was a witness to His power. And the court official and his household joyfully testified of their faith. When it was known that the Teacher Himself was among them, the whole city was aroused. Multitudes flocked to His presence. On the Sabbath the people crowded the synagogue until great numbers had to turn away, unable to find entrance. {LHU 172.5}

凡听见救主讲论的人,“很希奇他的教训,因为他的话里有权柄。” 路加福音4:32 …… {LHU 172.6}

All who heard the Saviour “were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power” (Luke 4:32).... {LHU 172.6}

犹太人争辩的各种问题,耶稣一概置之不理,因他的使命乃是宣扬真理。他的话发出亮光,阐明列祖和众先知的教训,于是圣经对许多人成了一种新的启示。耶稣的听众,从来没有在圣经中看出这么深奥的意义。 {LHU 172.7}

Jesus had nothing to do with the various subjects of dissension among the Jews. It was His work to present the truth. His words shed a flood of light upon the teachings of the patriarchs and prophets, and the Scriptures came to men as a new revelation. Never before had His hearers perceived such a depth of meaning in the Word of God. {LHU 172.7}

耶稣深知众人的困难,故能设身处地的与他们相处。他用最直接、最浅显的方法讲述真理,使真理显得更美妙。他讲话,口齿清楚,措词典雅,好似澄澈的流水。他的声音,对那些常听拉比单调言语的人,又好似音乐。他的教训虽然浅显,但他说话,却像有权柄的人。这种特点,便是他的教训与一切其它人所讲的不同之点。拉比们讲话,时常带着疑惑犹豫的口气,似乎圣经的话,可以作一种意义解释之后,也可以作另一种相反的意义解释,使人听了如坠入五里云雾中一样。但耶稣用无可置疑的权威讲解圣经。无论他讲什么题目,总是带着能力发挥出来,他的话似乎没有辩驳的余地。……在每一个讲题中,他都启示了上帝。 历代愿望, 247-249 {LHU 172.8}

Jesus met the people on their own ground, as one who was acquainted with their perplexities. He made truth beautiful by presenting it in the most direct and simple way. His language was pure, refined, and clear as a running stream. His voice was as music to those who had listened to the monotonous tones of the rabbis. But while His teaching was simple, He spoke as one having authority. This characteristic set His teaching in contrast with that of all others. The rabbis spoke with doubt and hesitancy, as if the Scriptures might be interpreted to mean one thing or exactly the opposite. The hearers were daily involved in greater uncertainty. But Jesus taught the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority. Whatever His subject, it was presented with power, as if His words could not be controverted.... In every theme God was revealed (The Desire of Ages, 252-254). {LHU 172.8}

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