“耶稣讲完了这些话,众人都希奇祂的教训。” 马太福音7:28 {LHU 177.1}
When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching. Matthew 7:28, NIV. {LHU 177.1}
基督并未作什么抽象的理论,只是提及有关品格发展所必要的事;以及扩大人认识上帝的才能和增进其行善的力量。祂所讲论的,全是有关生活的行为并使人与永生相联的真理。 {LHU 177.2}
[Christ] did not deal in abstract theories, but in that which is essential to the development of character; that which will enlarge man’s capacity for knowing God, and increase his power to do good. He spoke of those truths that relate to the conduct of life and that unite man with eternity. {LHU 177.2}
关乎上帝、祂的话语,或祂作为之事,与其引导人们学习世人的理论,基督教导他们去仰望祂 - 也就是自彰显在祂一切作为、祂的话和祂的种种眷顾上,看出祂来。祂使祂们的心意,与那位无穷之父的心意相联络。 {LHU 177.3}
Instead of directing the people to study men’s theories about God, His Word, or His works, He taught them to behold Him, as manifested in His works, in His Word, and by His providences. He brought their minds in contact with the mind of the Infinite. {LHU 177.3}
众人都“很希奇祂的教训,因为祂的话里有权柄。” 路加福音4:32 从来没有人说话像祂那样的有能力,足以启发思想,鼓舞心志,激励人的灵、智、体三方面的每一天赋。 {LHU 177.4}
The people “were astonished at his teaching” (Matthew 7:28, ASV); “for his word was with power” (Luke 4:32). Never before spoke one who had such power to awaken thought, to kindle aspiration, to arouse every capability of body, mind, and soul. {LHU 177.4}
基督的教训,犹如祂的同情心一般,环抱了全世界。任何生活情况,任何人生经验危机,无不在祂的教训中预先提及,亦无一不能从其原理得益。那位万世师表的话,足以作与祂同工之人的南针,直到世界的末了,……在祂慧眼之前,展示出人类的努力与抱负,都是祂所熟知的。 {LHU 177.5}
Christ’s teaching, like His sympathies, embraced the world. Never can there be a circumstance of life, a crisis in human experience, which has not been anticipated in His teaching, and for which its principles have not a lesson. The Prince of teachers, His words will be found a guide to His co-workers till the end of time.... Before His mind’s eye was outspread every scene of human effort and achievement, of temptation and conflict, of perplexity and peril. All hearts, all homes, all pleasures and joys and aspirations, were known to Him. {LHU 177.5}
祂不仅为全人类代言,也是向全人类发言。祂向那朝气蓬勃的小孩;向那热忱不息的青年;向那身强力壮而任重操心的成人;向那精疲力衰的老者──向众人,向历代各方的每一个人──讲述祂的信息。 {LHU 177.6}
He spoke not only for, but to, all mankind. To the little child, in the gladness of life’s morning; to the eager, restless heart of youth; to men in the strength of their years, bearing the burden of responsibility and care; to the aged in their weakness and weariness—to all, His message was spoken—to every child of humanity, in every land and in every age. {LHU 177.6}
在祂的教训中,包括了一切暂时的事和永远的事──可见之事与未见之事的关系,及普通生活所经之事与来生的严重关系。 {LHU 177.7}
In His teaching were embraced the things of time and the things of eternity—things seen, in their relation to things unseen, the passing incidents of common life and the solemn issues of the life to come. {LHU 177.7}
祂虽将今生之事,放在其应居的次要地位,而将永生的事列为首要;但祂并未忽视今生之事的重要性。祂教导人以天地相连之理,并说明神圣真理的知识,使人更能履行日常生活的本分。 {LHU 177.8}
The things of this life He placed in their true relation, as subordinate to those of eternal interest; but He did not ignore their importance. He taught that heaven and earth are linked together, and that a knowledge of divine truth prepares man better to perform the duties of daily life. {LHU 177.8}
在祂看来,没有一件事是无目的的。儿童的游戏、成人的劳作,人生的苦乐忧患,都是种种的方法,导致一个目的──显明上帝超拔人类。 教育论, 74,75 {LHU 177.9}
To Him nothing was without purpose. The sports of the child, the toils of the man, life’s pleasures and cares and pains, all were means to the one end—the revelation of God for the uplifting of humanity (Education, 81, 82). {LHU 177.9}