“只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们明白一切的真理。” 约翰福音16:13 {LHU 179.1}
When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13. {LHU 179.1}
基督在奉献自己作为牺牲之前,曾向父要求把最必要、最完全的恩赐,赐给他的门徒,这一个恩赐,会使他们得到恩典的无尽宝藏。他说:“我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫他永远与你们同在,就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的;因为不见他,也不认识他;你们却认识他;因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。” 约翰福音14:16-18 {LHU 179.2}
Before offering Himself as the sacrificial victim, Christ sought for the most essential and complete gift to bestow upon His followers, a gift that would bring within their reach the boundless resources of grace. “I will pray the Father,” He said, “and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you orphans: I will come to you” (John 14:16-18, margin). {LHU 179.2}
这时以前,圣灵早已在世上了;自从救赎的工作开始以来,他就在人心里运行。但当基督在地上的时候,门徒并不希冀其它的帮助者。及至基督离开了他们,他们才会感觉需要圣灵,那时圣灵就必降临。 {LHU 179.3}
Before this the Spirit had been in the world; from the very beginning of the work of redemption He had been moving upon men’s hearts. But while Christ was on earth, the disciples had desired no other helper. Not until they were deprived of His presence would they feel their need of the Spirit, and then He would come. {LHU 179.3}
圣灵乃是基督的代表,但他没有人类的形体,因此,他是不受限制的。基督因受人性的限制,故不能亲自在各处与人同在。为了信徒的益处,所以他往父那里去,并差遣圣灵到地上来接续他的工作。这样,就不会有人因他所在的地点,或自身能与基督接触,而享有任何特别的权利了。藉着圣灵,人人都可以就近救主。就这一意义说来,他比不升上去,倒更与他们亲近了。…… {LHU 179.4}
The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them if He had not ascended on high.... {LHU 179.4}
不论在什么时候、什么地方,或在一切的忧愁和一切苦难之中;正当前途似乎黑暗,将来似乎难测,我们觉得孤零无助,一筹莫展的时候,则保惠师必奉差遣而来,答应出于信心的祷告。环境或许把我们与每一个地上的亲友隔开;但没有什么环境、也没有什么距离,能使我们与天上的保惠师隔绝。无论我们在哪里,无论我们往哪里去,他总是在我们右边,扶助我们、支持我们、保护我们、鼓舞我们。…… {LHU 179.5}
At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and in all afflictions, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the Comforter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith. Circumstances may separate us from every earthly friend; but no circumstance, no distance, can separate us from the heavenly Comforter. Wherever we are, wherever we may go, He is always at our right hand to support, sustain, uphold, and cheer.... {LHU 179.5}
保惠师又称为“真理的圣灵”,他的工作,乃是阐明真理、维护真理。当他以真理的圣灵住在人心里的时候,他就成了“训慰师”。在真理中有安慰和平安,在虚谎中就找不到真平安或安慰了。撒但之所以有能力控制人心者,乃是藉着虚伪的学说和遗传。他令人注意虚伪的标准,来败坏人的品格。而圣灵藉着圣经向人心说话,将真理铭刻在人心中。这样,他就暴露出错谬的道理,并把它从人心中驱除出去。由于真理的圣灵,藉着上帝言语的善工,基督使他的选民顺服自己了。 历代愿望, 679-682 {LHU 179.6}
The Comforter is called “the Spirit of truth.” His work is to define and maintain the truth. He first dwells in the heart as the Spirit of truth, and thus He becomes the Comforter. There is comfort and peace in the truth, but no real peace or comfort can be found in falsehood. It is through false theories and traditions that Satan gains his power over the mind. By directing men to false standards, he misshapes the character. Through the Scriptures the Holy Spirit speaks to the mind, and impresses truth upon the heart. Thus He exposes error, and expels it from the soul. It is by the Spirit of truth, working through the Word of God, that Christ subdues His chosen people to Himself (The Desire of Ages, 668-671). {LHU 179.6}