“耶和华啊!求你将你的道指示我,将你的路教训我。” 诗篇25:4 {LHU 181.1}
Shew me thy way, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Psalm 25:4. {LHU 181.1}
啟示并非创造发明什么新的东西,而是在尚未啟示之前,將人们所不知道的事情显示出来。我们若在上帝面前存心谦卑、努力追求,福音中伟大永久的真理,必向我们显示出来。我们的神圣教师,引领卑微的真理追求者,藉着圣灵的指引,上帝圣言中的真理就必显明。这样获得的关于真理的知识,是确实有效的。通过圣灵的传授,我们得以明白上帝的圣言。我们要寻求真理,就像寻求埋藏的珍宝一样。 {LHU 181.2}
Revelation is not the creation or invention of something new, but the manifestation of that which, until revealed, was unknown to human beings. The great and eternal truths contained in the gospel are revealed through diligent searching and humbling of ourselves before God. We have a divine Teacher who leads the mind of the humble searcher for truth; and by the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the truths of the Word are revealed to him. And there can be no more certain and efficient knowledge of the truth than to be thus guided into all truth. Through the impartation of the Holy Spirit, we are to understand God’s Word. We are admonished to seek the truth as if searching for hidden treasure. {LHU 181.2}
上帝为真理的追求者打开了知识之门。圣灵使人的头脑准备好理解显示的事实,使神圣的亮光与人的心灵交通。眼睛张开看着那真正的宝藏;脑子想着那更美好的世界的荣耀;心脏为了基督耶稣的杰出美德而欢跳。 {LHU 181.3}
The Lord opens the understanding of the true seeker. The Holy Spirit enables the human mind to grasp the facts of revelation, and divine light communicates with the soul. This is the opening of the eyes to behold the genuine treasure, and the mind lays hold upon the glories of a better world. The soul pants after the excellence of Christ Jesus (Manuscript 59, 1906). {LHU 181.3}
耶稣是世界上从未有过的最伟大的教师。他用清楚有力的陈述和纯洁高尚的例证来彰显真理。他从不在他神圣的教训中,搀杂那些无聊的符号和数字,或者想要迎合好奇心,或满足一班人只想轻松一下的愿望。他并没有把神圣的真理降低到平常的标准。……他的语言是最纯洁、最高尚的……他并没有把真理贬低,来迎合人类堕落的背景,也没有降低公义的标准,去配合人的退化,然而他却自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上,为的是要拯救犯罪堕落的人类。他的目的不是藉着他的死,废除上帝的律法,而乃是要显明它的神圣主张的不变性。他的目的是“使律法为大,为尊,”以致每一个仰望在髑髅地十字架上,被高举之主的人,应当看到律法的完全真理,是无可争辩的。…… {LHU 181.4}
Jesus was the greatest teacher the world ever knew. He presented truth in clear, forcible statements, and the illustrations He used were of the purest and highest order. He never mingled cheap symbols and figures with His divine instruction, or sought to pander to curiosity or to gratify the class that will listen simply to be amused. He did not bring sacred truth down to the level of the common.... His words were of the purest and most elevated.... He did not humble the truth to meet man in his fallen condition, and lower the standard of righteousness to suit his degradation; but He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, in order that He might save the race that had been degraded by transgression. It was not His purpose to abolish by His death the law of God, but rather to show the immutability of its sacred claims. It was His purpose to “magnify the law, and make it honourable,” so that every one who should look upon the cross of Calvary with its uplifted Victim should see the unanswerable argument of the perfect truth of the law.... {LHU 181.4}
从他谬误的身旁把真理抢救过来,就是那永生的真理,而且叫它发出它固有的光辉,和属于天上的光亮。他把这真理举在高处,使它像光一样,照亮世界上的灵性黑暗……耶稣使被丢弃的真理,恢复它的庄严地位,赋予它真正的重要性和庄严性。基督本身就是真理和生命。 复临信徒公报, 1895年8月6日 {LHU 181.5}
He rescued truth, eternal truth, from the base companionship of error, and commanded it to shine forth in all its brightness and heavenly luster. He set the truth on high, in order that like a light it might illuminate the moral darkness of the world.... Jesus restored truth that had been cast out, to its royal order, and invested it with its true importance and dignity. Christ Himself was the truth and the life (The Review and Herald, August 6, 1895). {LHU 181.5}