“你若知道上帝的恩赐,和对你说给我水喝的是谁,你必早求他,他也必早给了你活水。” 约翰福音4:10 {LHU 184.1}

If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. John 4:10{LHU 184.1}


基督在雅各井旁对撒玛利亚妇人说什么?……“我所赐的水,要在他里头成为泉源,直涌到永生。”基督在这里提到的水,就是他的圣言中所显示出来的他的恩典;他的灵、他的教训是一切人赎罪的泉源。人所凭藉的任何其它源头,都将证明是不能令人满足的。但是,真理的言语却是凉爽的溪水,有如利巴嫩的山泉,常能令人心满意足。在基督里面永远充满着欢乐。世界上的欲望、享受和娱乐,永远不能使人的心灵感到满足,也不能得到康复。然而耶稣却说道,“吃我肉喝我血的人,就有永生。” {LHU 184.2}

What said Christ to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well? ... “The water that I shall give ... shall be ... a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” The water that Christ referred to was the revelation of His grace in His Word; His Spirit, His teaching, is as a satisfying fountain to every soul. Every other source to which they shall resort will prove unsatisfying. But the word of truth is as cool streams, represented as the waters of Lebanon, which are always satisfying. In Christ is fullness of joy forevermore. The desires and pleasures and amusements of the world are never satisfying nor healing to the soul. But Jesus says, “Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life.” {LHU 184.2}

基督在他圣言中,常常用仁慈的态度对人说,把他自己比作能解救心灵干渴的活水泉源。能得到这样一位永远的、有生命的救主,是我们的荣幸。他是注入我们心中灵性力量的源泉。他的影响将要涌现成为言语和行为,解救一切我们影响所及的人,在他们心里引起一种心愿和渴望。渴求力量和纯洁,成圣和平安,以及没有悲痛的欢乐。这就是有一位救主住在我们心中的结果。 {LHU 184.3}

Christ’s gracious presence in His Word is ever speaking to the soul, representing Him as the well of living water to refresh the thirsting soul. It is our privilege to have a living, abiding Saviour. He is the source of spiritual power implanted within us, and His influence will flow forth in words and actions, refreshing all within the sphere of our influence, begetting in them desires and aspirations for strength and purity, for holiness and peace, and for that joy which brings no sorrow with it. This is the result of an indwelling Saviour. {LHU 184.3}

耶稣说:“我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。”他曾经降世为人。他的神性曾经被人性所掩盖。看起来是一个多经苦难,常受试探,被撒但阴谋诡计包围的人,他在各方面,受到像我们所受的同样试探,因此,他知道如何帮助受试探的人。现在他坐在上帝的右边。他在天上作我们的中保,为我们代求。我们每想到这里,就会是感觉得到安慰和希望。他常常想到世界上可能受试探的人。他想到我们每一个人,而且知道我们的每一样需要。当我们受试探的时候,我们就要说,他关怀我、他为我代求、他爱护我、他为我而死,我要把自己毫无保留地奉献给他。 {LHU 184.4}

Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” He walked once a man on earth, His divinity clothed with humanity, a suffering, tempted man, beset with Satan’s devices. He was tempted in all points like as we are, and He knows how to succor those that are tempted. Now He is at the right hand of God. He is in heaven as our advocate, to make intercession for us. We must always take comfort and hope as we think of this. He is thinking of those who are subject to temptations in this world. He thinks of us individually, and knows our every necessity. When tempted, just say, He cares for me, He makes intercession for me, He loves me, He has died for me. I will give myself unreservedly to Him. {LHU 184.4}

当我们为自己悲伤,好像我们是自己的救主那样,我们就使基督感到伤心。不,我们必须为上帝保守我们的灵魂,好像为一位可靠的创造主那样。他永远活着为受磨炼试探的人代求。要对公义日头的亮光打开你的心,不要让一丝怀疑、一句不信的话说出你的口,免得播下怀疑的种子。我们有着丰厚的福祉,让我们凭着信心紧紧抓住。我恳求你们在主里面要有勇气,神圣的力量是我们的;让我们谈论勇气、力量和信心……在任何情况下,为上帝作活的见证。 给传道人的证言, 390,391 {LHU 184.5}

We grieve the heart of Christ when we go mourning over ourselves as though we were our own savior. No; we must commit the keeping of our souls to God as unto a faithful Creator. He ever lives to make intercession for the tried, tempted ones. Open your heart to the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness, and let not one breath of doubt, one word of unbelief, escape your lips, lest you sow the seeds of doubt. There are rich blessings for us; let us grasp them by faith. I entreat you to have courage in the Lord. Divine strength is ours; and let us talk courage and strength and faith.... Bear a living testimony for God under all circumstances (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 390, 391). {LHU 184.5}

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