“求你指教我遵行你的旨意,因你是我的上帝。你的灵本为善。求你引我到平坦之地。” 诗篇143:10 {LHU 185.1}

Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God; thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. Psalm 143:10{LHU 185.1}


“你们要靠主常常喜乐,我再说,你们要喜乐。”凡是这样做的人,就有一个喜乐的生活。从他们的口中和他们周围的环境中,听不见令人讨厌的言语,因为他们并不觉得自己比别人强。受到耶稣基督护庇的人,上帝的真理,也必始终帮助你适应将来的永生。当你对大能者抱着信心的时候,你的感受就像是自己的,而不是借来的。不论你的安排怎样,上帝都能够加以模造,而使之完美像基督一样。依靠现存的信心,你能避开一切不合乎上帝心意的东西,从而把天国带进了你地上的生活之中。你要这样做吗?如果你这样做,你就将在迈出每一步的时候,都见到阳光。…… {LHU 185.2}

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Those who do this have a joyous life. No unpleasantness comes from their lips or from the atmosphere surrounding the soul, for they do not feel that they are better than others. Hide in Jesus Christ; then all the time the truth of God will be fitting you up for the future, immortal life. When you have confidence in the Mighty One, your experience is not borrowed; it is your own. Whatever your disposition may be, God is able to so mold that disposition that it will be sweet and Christlike. By living faith you separate from everything not in accordance with the mind of God, and thus bring a heaven into your life here below. Will you do this? If you do, you will have sunshine at every step.... {LHU 185.2}

真正的高等教育,是坐在耶稣脚前得到的。你如果在上帝大能的手下自卑,他就将你举高。你不用努力举高自己。把你的工作交托给上帝,用信心、用真诚、用真理、用公义来工作,你就将发现每天得到报偿,有天上的亮光照着你。他的光亮、他的恩典、他的救赎,就这样显明出来。…… {LHU 185.3}

True higher education is that which is received by sitting at the feet of Jesus. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, and He will lift you up. You need not struggle to lift yourself. Commit your work to Him; do it in faithfulness, in sincerity, in truth, in righteousness; and you will find that every day it brings its reward, and that the light of heaven is shining upon you. His light, His grace, His salvation, are thus revealed.... {LHU 185.3}

我们对耶稣基督知道得这么少,以致我们只能模糊地理解他将为我们作的是什么。上帝要我们向他学习……让你的品格,按照基督的生活向人显示的美好模式去塑造吧! {LHU 185.4}

We know so little of Jesus Christ that we can but dimly comprehend what He will do for us. God desires us to learn of Him.... Let your character-building be in accordance with the beautiful pattern revealed to men in the life of Christ. {LHU 185.4}

在你一切工作上,应该像农民种田那样去做。表面上他好像把种子丢掉。但是,种子落到泥土里,在死亡中萌芽生长。永生上帝的权力,赐给种子以生命和活力,然后就可以看到,“先发苗,后长穗,再后穗上结成饱满的子粒。”研究一下这个奇妙的过程。噢,有那么多东西要学,那么多事情要了解,看起来我们在这辈子,不可能学得完这一切──的确是不可能。可是如果我们现在改进我们的脑子,使它达到能力的极限,我们就将在永生的年代中,学习上帝的方法和工作,继续提高再提高。 {LHU 185.5}

In all your work you should do as the husbandman does in producing the fruits of the earth. Apparently he throws away the seed; but, buried in the soil, the seed, in dying, germinates. The power of the living God gives it life and vitality, and there is seen, “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” Study this wonderful process. Oh, there is so much to learn, so much to understand, that it seems as though we cannot learn everything during this life—and we cannot. But if we now improve our minds to the utmost of our ability, we shall through the eternal ages carry forward the study of God’s ways and works, continually reaching higher and still higher. {LHU 185.5}

我们现在需要的是能够懂得一点神圣事情的脑子。我们应该有的最迫切的愿望,是让耶稣来住在我们心中的殿内,因为他既住在那里,就必然会用善果和善行来显示他的存在……上帝要每一个人成为他有用的帮手。假使你把自己奉献给他,他就要教育你,通过你去工作,藉着你再使其它人分享。这时你就可以说:“上帝啊!你的温和使我为大。”给传道人的证言, 390,391 {LHU 185.6}

We need now minds that can understand the simplicity of godliness. More than we desire anything else, we should desire to have Jesus Christ abiding in the soul-temple, because He cannot abide there without being revealed and shown forth in fruits and good works.... God wants every one of you to be His helping hand; and if you yield yourself to Him, He will teach and work through you, that you may be able to impart to others. Then you will be able to say, “O God, ‘thy gentleness hath made me great’!” (Manuscript 91, 1901). {LHU 185.6}

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